Here’s a recap on how the entire payment flow works at Streamloots:
Keep in mind that you won’t have to do anything until we process your first payment. Once your first payment is processed, you will receive an email from Hyperwallet requesting an account activation. To know more about the account activation, please refer to this article: Configuring Streamloots Pay Portal
In order to complete your activation, you’ll need to locate your StreamlootsID. This ID is not your page username, it’s a string of alphanumeric characters that serves as an identifier for your Hyperwallet account. Check out this article: Finding Your Streamloots ID
Last but not least, Hyperwallet will require you to verify your account at some point. This can be done by providing additional information. Whenever you get that email, please refer to this article on how to complete verification: Hyperwallet Account Verification
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