You will be able to see all the money you make with Streamloots on your Revenue page. In the Transactions section, you can see a breakdown of each monetary transaction, so you can keep track of the gross and net amount of each sale. Take a look at the Revenue Overview article to see what each panel on your sales page means.
Configuring a payout period
Payments are made on the 1st and 15th of each month. This gives you 3 payment options that can be configured using the Configure button in Configuration and Payments > Revenue section.
Once a month (day 1)
On the 1st of each month, the payment will be made to the Hyperwallet payment platform as long as you have more than 20€/$ in your balance.
Since the money must sit at least 15 days in the platform for validation (see the last section of this article for more info), on day 1 you will receive all the money you have generated up until the 15th of the previous month.
On the 16th of the previous month, your balance will be updated with the amount you will receive the next payout day.
Example: On February 1st, you will receive all the money that's pending to be received and that has been generated before January 15th.
Once a month (day 15)
Basically, the same case as above applies. With this option, the money is instead sent on the 15th of each month. It is also required that the balance is equal to or greater than 20€/$ for the payment to be sent.
As in the previous case, the money must be at least 15 days in the platform to be validated.
Therefore, on the 15th of each month, you will receive the amount generated during the previous month, until the 30th-31st.
On the 1st of the current month, your balance will be updated with the amount you will receive on the 15th.
Example: On February 15th, you will receive all the money that has been generated before February 1st, that is, all the money generated in January and if you have any pending from previous months.
Twice a month (days 1 and 15)
This is the most complete option, as it ensures that the payment is sent on the 1st and 15th of each month, as long as the balance when these dates arrive reflects more than 20€/$.
In this case, the following applies:
Every 1st of each month, at the time of payment, as long as you have more than 20€/$ in your balance, the money will be sent to you.
This amount reflects everything generated between the 1st and the 15th of the previous month.
After sending the money to the payment gateway, your balance will be added to what you have generated between the 15th and 30th-31st of the previous month, which will be the amount to be sent on the 15th of the current month.
Every 15th of each month, at the time of payment, as long as you have more than 20€/$ in your balance, the money will be sent to you.
This amount reflects everything generated between the 15th and the 30th-31st of the previous month.
After sending the money to the payment gateway, your balance will be added to what you have generated between the 1st and 15th of the current month, which will be the amount to be sent on the 1st of the following month.
Payment tracking
To find out if a payment has left Streamloots and has been sent to the payment gateway, take a look at the Transactions section, where you will see if there is a negative transaction of type “Payment” on that day.
That means that the corresponding payment has been sent and in that case, it is very likely that your balance has been updated with the amount for the next payment.
It's important to note that the first payment in Streamloots involves an initial setup, for more information see Configuring Streamloots Pay Portal.
By law, users have 15 days to request a refund for any online purchase. This law also applies to packs. However, Streamloots assumes the costs of any dispute on the different payment platforms, so you won't have to worry about anything.
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